Mike L.:

The Orphans

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  • WWW: http://www.theorphans.us
  • E-mail: skaspektor@hotmail.com
  • День рожд: 27/06/2003
  • Находится: Сша,Нью-Йорк
  • Обновлялось: 21/07/2004
  • Объем: 5.9M/3/3
  • Слушателей: 4823
  • О группе:
    Formed in the summer of 2003, The Orphans is in of its self a new form communication, calibrated rock targeted toward the individual, "We want people to search inside themselves, to find something to rely on, something to fill out all the empty spaces they might have inside."
    Originally, C2, an electric rock band created in 1996 by drummer Spektor, guitarist Mike of K.O.T. fame, and bassist Conus, The Orphans graduated to a more eclectic sound with the addition of trumpeter   подробнее>>

    Начните знакомство с песен:
       Bad Day (the pianist) [mp3,588k][mp3,1174k]
    Аннотация к разделу: With lyrics and sounds that explore ones personal connection to their physical environment - dark yet warm, introspective yet connected - The Orphans is the Radiohead for the not so disenchanted.

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    04 - Мой сон
    Рекомендует Краскова О.

       Исполнителей: 13660
       Песен: 173200
       Треков: 172459

    06/02 ПОЗДРАВЛЯЕМ:
     "Акустический лес"
     Брати O.
     Мельников Ю.
     Силин А.А.
     Шерминский А.
     "Эрегированый Гитлер"
     "Ядеrная Rеакция"
     Anoriell E.
     "Sky Skill"

    СМ. ТАКЖЕ:
    Журнал Самиздат


    5:30 am on a rainy day / Ep(2004): Альтернативная


  • Bad Day (the pianist) [mp3,588k][mp3,1174k]
  • Sun Goes Down [mp3,600k][mp3,1254k] Хип-хоп
    Written by Alexey Blokhin and produced by Roger Fife of i/o and Mike L. of The Orphans (of Ruby Stars and Crazy men Crazy) this is truly an urban hymn of desperation... featuring LeatherFace. Mixed in Spin Studious, Long Island City, NY 2004
  • Time's Up [mp3,600k][mp3,1228k]
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