The Infrasound Projector:

The Infrasound Project [Регистрация] [Найти] [Рейтинги] [Обсуждения] [Новинки] [Помощь]
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  • День рожд: 01/01/2003
  • Находится: Россия,Санкт-Петербург
  • Обновлялось: 17/02/2009
  • Объем: 51.8M/0/11
  • Слушателей: 11485
  • О группе:
    The InfraSound was created as non-commercial, friends-oriented project. Don't even try to find music from this site in shops (you won't find it anyway). The only way to get it is to download or request CD from the InfraSound projector. If you see anybody selling this stuff for money (or any other material welfare), please contact FBI or CIA (on your choice) or write to the InfraSound projector. He will throw this 'anybody'- bugger out from the InfraSound's friends list and put him into the   подробнее>>
    Аннотация к разделу: All music available free.

    Авторская песня (28478)
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    Песня немецких подводников
    Рекомендует Рыбаков К.П.

       Исполнителей: 13667
       Песен: 173494
       Треков: 172753

    11/03 ПОЗДРАВЛЯЕМ:
     Злой В.
     Иванова Н.
     Черных Н.
     Chapaev V.I.
     Groovistico A.
     "Main Inside"
     Titov A.

    СМ. ТАКЖЕ:
    Журнал Самиздат


    Zvook(2003): (The Infrasound projector, The Infrasound project) Электронная


  • 01-Intro [mp3,1546k]
    One of my experimental works.
  • 02-Lucid [mp3,5987k]
    Transfered from the previous album
  • 03-Major [mp3,5887k]
    Transfered from the previous album
  • 04-Dedicated [mp3,4891k]
    It is dedicated to a certain person's birthday.
  • 05-Beater [mp3,6304k]
    Nice experimental work
  • 06-Deep Long Flight 
    Too long to be uploaded
  • 07-Industrial [mp3,2946k]
    Transfered from the previous album
  • 08-Minor [mp3,6191k]
    The first recording of mine. Transfered from the previous album
  • 09-Active [mp3,1746k]
    ...sometimes happens. Transfered from the previous album
  • 10-Minor (Remake) [mp3,6925k]
    Special ZVOOK edition of the hit
  • 11-Funky [mp3,4721k] Фанк
    Sounds different, but there is an intention to do this kind of music
  • 12-C to C [mp3,3546k]
    The ending is too long. I know...But, still, I like it.
  • 13-Outro [mp3,2325k]
    One of my experimental works.
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  • Happy Tree Friends Russian version. But it keeps the same crazyness.
  • Полный список ссылок с аннотациями>>
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