Smirnoff Sasha: другие произведения.

Some Day [Регистрация] [Найти] [Рейтинги] [Обсуждения] [Новинки] [Помощь]
  • Комментарии: 1, последний от 04/01/2006.
  • © Copyright Smirnoff Sasha (
  • Обновлено: 14/09/2003. 0k. Статистика.
  • Жанр: Другое
  • Автор музыки: Smirnoff Sasha
  • Исполняет: Smirnoff Sasha
  • Год написания: 2003
  • Аннотация:
      Демоальбом на английском языке

       Я - Саша Смирнов гитарист, певец и композитор. мне 33 года, опыт работы на профсцене 15 лет. Нахожусь в поиске партнеров для реализации этого проекта.
       Телефоны в Одессе 0482-674480 и 048-7152591

    * * *


    Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Valeriy Zabenkin
  • Автор текста: Inna Goruk
  • Исполняет: Sasha Smirnoff
  • Прослушать:[mp3,1501k]
  • Размещена: 08/09/2003, ред. 17/02/2009
  • Жанр: Другое

  • Alone

    I'm all alone in my bedroom
    watching the lonely sky
    through the broken glass of the window.
    I don't wanna hear you"ve left me
    Forever. For the first time
    You"re really gone,not just make believe.

    I"ll take pills, drugs or whatever
    I"ll drink away till i"m senseless
    breathless and my eyes change their colour.
    When Eden and Hell come together
    In the uproar of madness
    I"ll wash myself clean from your power.

    You"ll cut your veins when you see me
    safe and sound living without you,
    still moving on in the drift of time.
    I"ll enjoy that strange feeling,
    it"s like gloating but much harder
    "cause makes you scream in the night.

    * * *

    Die for you

    Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Valeriy Zabenkin
  • Автор текста: Inna Goruk
  • Исполняет: Sasha Smirnoff
  • Прослушать:[mp3,1782k]
  • Размещена: 06/09/2003, ред. 17/02/2009
  • Жанр: Другое

  • Die for you

    Words are needless to say -
    Something hiding within
    Seems to live and reborn
    Under my own skin.

    Can you see what I see -
    Signs written?
    And the feeling inside...
    Can I now call it love?

    This is my heart,

    please touch it, or never try.
    This is my Soul,

    please kiss it, or not, but I"ll cry..

    Sweetest softness of life
    Under my trembling hands.
    Something`s trying to come...
    Does it have enough strength?
    On the edges of sky
    Angel`s trying to live -
    Revelations of God
    To the hero and thief.

    Blessing ways to the hell,
    (Heaven is occupied)
    Done from bones and blood.
    But the traveler`s tired.
    Can you see what I see -
    Signs written above?
    And the feeling inside...
    Can I now call it love?

    * * *

    Every step

    Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Valeriy Zabenkin
  • Автор текста: Inna Goruk
  • Исполняет: Sasha Smirnoff
  • Прослушать:[mp3,1400k]
  • Размещена: 06/09/2003, ред. 17/02/2009
  • Жанр: Другое

  • Every step that I'll make...

    Every step that I'll make
    On this road of life
    Would be taken with you.
    You re my chance to survive.

    Every breath that I ll take
    Form this majestic sky
    Would be taken with you.
    You will not let me die.

    But above all that things.
    I felt You and Your pain.

    I saw You from inside.
    You were calling my name.

    Every word that I ll say,
    Or the song that I ll sing,
    Or the thing that I ll do,
    This is joy that I ll bring

    Would came up only if
    You ll be there for me
    While the world would exist
    And both of us live+

    * * *

    Go Away

    Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Valeriy Zabenkin
  • Автор текста: Inna Goruk
  • Исполняет: Smirnoff Sasha
  • Прослушать:[mp3,1277k]
  • Размещена: 09/09/2003, ред. 17/02/2009
  • Жанр: Другое

  • Let me alone

    Don't talk to me, just go away,
    I can't stand seeing you!
    I know it without words, don't say.
    We do not have to argue!
    Go away, let me alone,
    Just don't explain the matter.
    My heart is already a stone,
    Don't try to make it better.

    It's hard for you to say to me
    That you don't love me, baby.
    Don't let me think that this may mean,
    You're sorry for me maybe.

    Go away, let me alone,
    Just don't explain the matter.
    My heart is already a stone,
    Don't try to make it better.

    ...Yes, now he's gone, it's over now
    And probably, for good.
    But can somebody tell me, how
    Just tell me, how he could?!

    You look at me with asking eyes,
    You don't dare to go away.
    I have forgiven. No more lies!
    Come on, just do not stay!..

    Go away, let me alone,
    Just don't explain the matter.
    My heart is already a stone,
    Don't try to make it better

    * * *

    Some Day

    Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Valeriy Zabenkin
  • Автор текста: Inna Goruk
  • Исполняет: Sasha Smirnoff
  • Прослушать:[mp3,1531k]
  • Размещена: 05/09/2003, ред. 17/02/2009
  • Жанр: Другое

  • Some day

    Some day, I feel,

    you will be mine!
    For you and me

    the sun the sun will shine...

    For all I care,

    I'll be with you
    For all my life -

    this is oh my due!

    Some day, I trust, you'll understand
    That I'm your half and I'm your stand!
    You won't me leave, you won't betray -
    You'll be with me all of your way!

    Some day, I know,

    I'll win from you

    Your heart, your mind,

    your thoughts, your are view...

    You will forget

    your remote past.
    You'll be with me,

    I know, yeah I trust!

    I feel, I trust, I know, I see it

    This world belongs to you and me!
    The sun will shine for US some day!
    Some day you will not go away!

    * * *

    The Way

    Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Valeriy Zabenkin
  • Автор текста: Inna Goruk
  • Исполняет: Smirnoff Sasha
  • Прослушать:[mp3,1648k]
  • Размещена: 09/09/2003, ред. 17/02/2009
  • Жанр: Другое

  • The way we are...

    We live in this bizzare world
    We fall in love then break ones heart
    We cry, we laugh and shout aloud
    We build, destroy and fall apart

    Sometimes we kill,sometimes - save lives
    From time to time we also fight!
    Sometimes we're scared, sometimes - take knives
    Sometimes we run away and hide...

    You tell me you can't see this world
    You tell me you just feel this all
    Yes, you are blind, but there's no flaw!
    You're mine, I'm yours - it's above all!

    When I`ll come to realize
    That we`ve spent all our lives
    When I`ll have enough to see
    Mistakes that made us arrogant

    * * *

    Washed Away

    Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Valeriy Zabenkin
  • Автор текста: Inna Goruk
  • Исполняет: Sasha Smirnoff
  • Прослушать:[mp3,1074k]
  • Размещена: 06/09/2003, ред. 17/02/2009
  • Жанр: Другое

  • Washed Away

    That day! that happy, Incredible day
    The rains, they washed it away.
    That unforgettable Wonderful day
    Wonderful day

    The ring on my finger The smile on your face
    I prayed that this day Forever would stay
    But the rains, they just kept Washing it away.
    I prayed that this day

    What can I do to stop those rains
    What can I do to stop those rains
    So that the smile kept shining

    on your face.
    What can I do

    That day! that happy,

    Incredible day
    The rains, they washed it away.
    That unforgettable Wonderful day
    Wonderful day

    What can I do to stop those rains
    What can I do to stop those rains
    So that the smile kept shining

    on your face.
    What can I do

    * * *

    Where should I find words...

    Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Valeriy Zabenkin
  • Автор текста: Inna Goruk
  • Исполняет: Sasha Smirnoff
  • Прослушать:[mp3,1510k]
  • Размещена: 08/09/2003, ред. 17/02/2009
  • Жанр: Другое

  • Where should I find words...

    Where should I find words,-
    Russian, English - all the same, -
    To express up the accords,
    What I hear in heart flame?...

    Where should I find way -
    Moving, sounds - all the same,
    To express up that unique,
    What my soul feels today?...

    Maybe, must I dance with veil
    And prepare wine and meal,
    Put two candles on the table,
    Sit and stare at you as seal?...

    Maybe, must I sing a song
    Or create a poem sheet?...
    But these ways are so long...
    Just I say - I`m glad to meet!

  • Комментарии: 1, последний от 04/01/2006.
  • © Copyright Smirnoff Sasha (
  • Обновлено: 14/09/2003. 0k. Статистика.
  • Другое

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