Garry Bird Rock:

Your Echo [Регистрация] [Найти] [Рейтинги] [Обсуждения] [Новинки] [Помощь]
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  • Обновлялось: 23/12/2012
  • Объем: 7.3M/1/2
  • Слушателей: 549
  • О группе:
    Аннотация к разделу: Press Release 1. Your Echo band. Created in Outumn 2010.2. Stile: Rock, Alternative Rock, Soft Rock. Influenses of such band as: U2, Coldplay, Police.3. Performs songs as in English so in Russian.Active using of keyboards and allmost no guiar - is a spesial kind of Your Echo.Lirycs are all about the bright sides of life.4. Your Echo includes: Igor Leichik (Garry) - vocals, keyboards. Vitaly Kitchigin (Bird) - vocals, bass guitar.5. Band's cotacts for concert organisation: +38 050 757 48 29 Igor +38 050 01 04 800 Vitalye-mail:

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    Рекомендует Живое Р.П.

       Исполнителей: 13667
       Песен: 173482
       Треков: 172741

    10/03 ПОЗДРАВЛЯЕМ:
     "Друид и Отягощенные "
     Платонов К.А.
     Dj L.

    СМ. ТАКЖЕ:
    Журнал Самиздат

    Press Release 1. Your Echo band. Created in Outumn 2010.2. Stile: Rock, Alternative Rock, Soft Rock. Influenses of such band as: U2, Coldplay, Police.3. Performs songs as in English so in Russian.Active using of keyboards and allmost no guiar - is a spesial kind of Your Echo.Lirycs are all about the bright sides of life.4. Your Echo includes: Igor Leichik (Garry) - vocals, keyboards. Vitaly Kitchigin (Bird) - vocals, bass guitar.5. Band's cotacts for concert organisation: +38 050 757 48 29 Igor +38 050 01 04 800 Vitalye-mail:

  • For Not Being Caught Off Guard [mp3,404k][mp3,3122k] Рок
  • Memories [mp3,464k][mp3,3512k] Рок
  • Статистика раздела

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