White Rap Avenue: другие произведения.


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  • © Copyright Bd (xakepgroop@xaker.ru)
  • Обновлено: 09/11/2004. 0k. Статистика.
  • Автор музыки: Bd
  • Исполняет: White Rap Avenue
  • Аннотация:
      Это одна из наших тем ... короче записана с первого раза так что скоро перезапишется...


    * * *

    За моих пацанов

    Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: B@d
  • Автор текста: B@d & Freezee
  • Исполняет: White Rap Avenue
  • Прослушать:[mp3,2449k]
  • Размещена: 09/11/2004
  • Жанр: Рэп
  • What a fuck this gue is doing here
    This is my club, and I rapping there
    Get a fuck away from my way
    Your rap reminds me hookers talk at highway.
    You look like fucked pigeon
    Your song remind me Elton John
    Take long distance from my side
    It"s too difficult for your stuarped mind
    To understand your critical position
    This podium just for competitions
    Your Rap isn"t so good for it
    It shows just your greed.
    You want to make just money on your album,
    But it makes just respect and trouble
    Try to understand, why you try to take the place in battle,
    If you saw me - the Rap creator.
    Did you ever heart the grates name of band
    That create HiP-HoP saint land,
    Great names like White Rap Avenue,
    That clan highes all suckes like you.
    You want to be a famouse rapper 
    But finally you"ll be just a suker
    You heart me beach, relax!
    I think your band is full of sucks.
    If your song wiil be on MTv, I"ll destroy this channel
    Everyone"s support me...
    Ask the real rap man like me for help
    To give you normal song for rent
    And then return to clan... to show all people what you can
    I hope you find some interest and that will be your final test
    But it just a dream, you realy sick
    And you distany is geek...
  • Оставить комментарий
  • © Copyright Bd (xakepgroop@xaker.ru)
  • Обновлено: 09/11/2004. 0k. Статистика.

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