Мой второй диск. Решён в стиле треш-метал.
Time - is the fourth dimension. The dimension leading to death. The Vector, humbly flowing by time, Leads you to her, kicking your ass . Do you want to be docile to it? Want follow him like stupid sheep? Believe In your power and violent rim, You'll be able to stop it and quit. Turn around and change your vector! Run to opposite current of time! You can't stop it. Find your own side. Possible not to dispense with a crime! Time will be the most cruel, by dead forces. You must only save yourself. Change your vector to opposite!!! Do you think that it's so simple? Just to change and fade to black Ha!You've been mistaken deadly. Time has fastly sucked you back You're chasing after flock again With dejected grey pipe days But if you get tired of it sometime Shoot yourself or change your face!!!
Тут нет текста. Это инструментал.
Видишь ли ты цвет звезды Что в ночи блестит? Слышишь ли ты волчий вой, Что душу ворожит? Можешь ли ты вслух сказать То что слышал сам? Думала ли когда нибудь, Что вернёшься к нам? - Думаешь ли ты о нас, Или лишь о ней? Засыпаешь ли одна, На закатах дней? Холод северных ветров, Чувствуешь рукой? Кто ты есть, не знаешь сама? Так иди за мной! - Суть твоих снов я раскрою тебе, И ты должна быть благодарна судьбе, Что тебя встретил я, а не кто-то другой, Ведь ты просто несчастна, а я просто чужой. Суть твоих снов я раскрою сейчас, И должна ты уйти, как я закончу рассказ, Тебя эта земля теперь не сможет носить, Пришло твоё время, навсегда уходить!
What's the blame of a born insect? It didn't crave for it. It wasn't asked, if it wants to be next. And now it's to blame and it's spitted. Shot with gazes. Insect blame. Time has come. The nature creates us what we should be. You can do everything, but you're not free. And it decided to make you drink blood. You must drink blood and die for a crowd. Shot with gazes. Insect blame. Time has come.
The walls of an old temple are moss-grown, But still the traces of the struggle within. My own Struggle within between good and evil, Between the light and the dark side. Every man born here had to choose What side should he take? Dark or Light? Only by senses of their souls, Cool reasoning and passionate heart Were they dictated to be guided. And they should have taken one of the sides. The dark side concealed great power, Inflexibility and infinity, But the light force led to above. Nothing can kill the power of love...
Текста нет, это инструментал.
All the people in the world Subjected to a stream. And only money is the part of their dreams. You only think, that you're the king, When money is with you. And stupid bullshit makes the God of you. You think you're able to destroy. You think, that you can kill! No consequences still. I don't like you for your ambitions, You smell like fucking piece of shit. You'll recognise who am I, When you'll die in da street, in da street! Twist resistance, Twist resistance, Twist resistance, Twist resistance in me, yeah! You looking in my eyes, What can you see there now? You know, that i'm weak But i don't take a bow! Do you think, that i'm Your potential slave? But i don't think so! I'd better lie in grave! Like demons voice, your scream becomes And when you falling down, I would not forgive you! I want you to die! You laugh becomes a bloody weeping, Your breath will be like dirty ice. You'll be my slave another day! And you will lose your extended eyes! Extended eyes! Twist resistance, Twist resistance, Twist resistance, Twist resistance in me, yeah!
They judge races by centuries Untwisting the Universe plan. I find my very ancient roots And find out I'm not a man. Inside me warmth exist. I can't believe that I'm the beast. I'm so lonely here now. Please help me somehow. Fire flickers in the darkness I'll kill you. No shadow of a doubt So my eyes are lifeless Murder - is my way out. This long night is my salvation Maybe I'll become a man! But if darkness doesn't absorb me If it does, I'll become Satan. Inside me warmth exist. I can't believe that I'm the beast. I'm so lonely here now. Please help me somehow. Inside me warmth exist. I can't believe that I'm the beast. And I kill now. Please help me somehow.
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