Tanelorn: другие произведения.


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  • Комментарии: 3, последний от 03/07/2008.
  • © Copyright Diarmaid (diarmaid@rambler.ru)
  • Обновлено: 18/05/2005. 0k. Статистика.
  • Автор музыки: Diarmaid
  • Исполняет: Tanelorn


    * * *

    Defenders Of Tanelorn

    Оценка: 8.00*3 Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Darkstorm
  • Автор текста: Isewinds
  • Исполняет: Tanelorn
  • Прослушать:[mp3,3627k]
  • Размещена: 18/05/2005
  • Жанр: Металл
  •   Defenders Of Tanelorn
       Lyrics - Icewinds
       Music - Darkstorm
      Blaze gently sails across the green valley
      But grim are the skies upon us,
      Once more arose the darkness to consume our lands,
      Countless minions approach our fortress and their black armor glitters...
      (End narrative)
      Grim clouds wander the skies
      Last breath of sunrise dies
      Dawn brings chill and dismay
      Its time to rise or to fade away
      White burg surrounded by dark
      Blades shine and thrust for blood
      Long gaze, stare at your foe -
      Dark clad armies are ready to go
      Rise for more, heroes of dawn
      First strike shakes up the gates
      Black shroud falls on our fates
      Swords clash and up fly the sparks
      Proud white banner surrounded by dark
      Cold blaze whispers our names
      With force shout out your pain
      Run straight into the storm
      Final resistance of flames unborn...
      Blades of old, blister once more!

    * * *

    The Apocalyptic Powerhead

    Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Diarmaid
  • Автор текста: Diarmaid/icewinds
  • Исполняет: Tanelorn
  • Прослушать:[mp3,4651k]
  • Размещена: 18/05/2005
  • Жанр: Металл
  • Apocalyptic Powerhead
    Music - Diarmaid
    Lyrics - Diarmaid/Icewinds
    It is the last day before Holy War,
    These are the Warlock's last words.
    And light of the day will not shine anymore,
    And clans will treat their gods.
    The Knight of the Evil invaded your land,
    He'll take your hearts and breath,
    Your life will be taken with sword in his hand,
    You're people, condemned to death.
    The children of forsaken nation must die,
    Their bodies he splits with his gaze,
    Your castles and temples will burn in the fire,
    His war cry shakes stones on your graves.
    Your daughters and women will serve to his cult,
    Your mothers, enslaved, will cry,
    The priests and the maidens, infant and adult,
    Will suffer until they die.
    Chorus: Dawn, with the silent voices come my way,
                 Pain, never ending glade is here to stay.
                 Fear, ascending screams reach their peak,
                 Stone, the final motion graved in grief.
    The blood will be flowing for months and for years
    The seas and rivers turn red
    Ages of struggles, achievements and dreams
    Forever destroyed and damned
    Arrival of chaos supported by steel
    Black armies bring suffer and death
    Foundations are shaken and surface ablaze
    The mankind - its"  final path
    Prepare for the reaper awaken and grim
    Embodied in darkness and chill
    The cold in your blood and your rising scream
    The horror is all you feel
    The blood will be flowing for months and for years
    The seas and rivers turn red
    Ages of struggles, achievements and dreams
    Forever destroyed and damned.
    Chorus: Dawn, with the silent voices come my way,
                 Pain, never ending glade is here to stay.
                 Fear, ascending screams reach their peak,
                 Stone, the final motion graved in grief.
    Narrative: Final invasion of blood red mirage,
                    This time - no dreams.
    Blood, fire, death...
    Chorus: Dawn, with the silent voices come my way,
                 Pain, never ending glade is here to stay.
                 Fear, ascending screams reach their peak,
                 Stone, the final motion graved in grief.

    * * *

    The Gathering

    Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Diarmaid
  • Автор текста: Diarmaid
  • Исполняет: Tanelorn
  • Прослушать:[mp3,2356k]
  • Размещена: 22/11/2005
  • Жанр: Металл
  • Инструментал

    * * *

    Warriors Of Ireland

    Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Diarmaid
  • Автор текста: Diarmaid
  • Исполняет: Tanelorn
  • Прослушать:[mp3,4606k]
  • Размещена: 18/05/2005
  • Жанр: Металл
  • Warriors Of Ireland              
    lyrics and music - Diarmaid                         
    For the last time I see you, my fatherland proud
    The voice of the horn calling you is too loud
    Our foe is so close, as we hear his war cry
    We go to the midnight to fight and to die.
    Chorus: Thunder in the sky is calling us to die,
                 To die for your freedom, your truth and your pride.
                 All hand-by-hand forever we"ll stand
                 Enemy shall run from our land!
    Reminding my fathers, before me they"re gone,
    Ages and spell turned them into the stone,
    I hear cry of Erin, who loved me so well,
    I hear shore of waters and ring of the bell.
    Your heroes await thee, we see them arise,
    Their power and might come to us from the skies,
    The Highest of Asgard will cover our head,
    And Erin will wait "till we rise from the dead.
  • Комментарии: 3, последний от 03/07/2008.
  • © Copyright Diarmaid (diarmaid@rambler.ru)
  • Обновлено: 18/05/2005. 0k. Статистика.

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