
Ocheleth Poth [Регистрация] [Найти] [Рейтинги] [Обсуждения] [Новинки] [Помощь]
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  • Обновлялось: 24/07/2005
  • Объем: 9.6M/0/7
  • Слушателей: 8618
  • О группе:
    Аннотация к разделу: Ocheleth Poth is the grimmest Black Metal band ever to find it's way to this lousy world. If i was on your place, after listening to Ocheleth Poth's evil and scary songs, i would have commited a suicide, but i'm Ocheleth Poth's Guitarist and vocalist, so i won't. Burzum, Impaled Nazerene, Mayhem, Immortal, and all other bands you have learnt to be the scariest thing in town, don't even get close to the infernalness, and frostbiteness of what Ocheleth Poth is.

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    Песня немецких подводников
    Рекомендует Рыбаков К.П.

       Исполнителей: 13667
       Песен: 173494
       Треков: 172753

    11/03 ПОЗДРАВЛЯЕМ:
     Злой В.
     Иванова Н.
     Черных Н.
     Chapaev V.I.
     Groovistico A.
     "Main Inside"
     Titov A.

    СМ. ТАКЖЕ:
    Журнал Самиздат


    Синглы: Комментарии
    First Rape, Then Plunder, Then Burn(2005): Металл


  • Satan Open the Gates [mp3,2694k] Металл
    When Dark Funeral recorded their song Stan Open the Gates, the original was written by me, and offered to them. Unfortunately the fat bastards declined, and recorded their own worse-yet-still-true version for the song, but now you are offered to see how the song really should look like
  • Ko Amar ha Rabi [mp3,2262k] Металл
    That's what the rabi said when i asked him whether he really believes in satan, or does he pray for him for personal gain, or maybe for fear?Figures out he really believes in Satan
  • Noam Menagen Be Tuba [mp3,2004k]
    Noam, better known as Infern Tubus, is Ocheleth Poth's only session musician, and plays on the Tuba.Beside that he is a communist who lives in the kibutz, for this he will die one day, with great pain on the way, but because he play on tube, his trueness is high, and thus, this day is not today.This song describes Infern Tubus' work day, and night...
  • Arsim(Vova666 and the K.G.B Cover) [mp3,692k]
    This song is a cover to a well known Punk song by Vova666 and the K.G.B. This, in no way means the punks and the True Metallers are united, we only have a comon enemy, that is far worse then the Punks, so for the while we both find the common enemy.The song talks about the hatered we have to the ARsim- the lowest life form ever created by god, to make the life of Sotonists harder. If any of you meet one on the street, better impale him, satan will love that.
  • Le Benny Yesh Herpes [mp3,496k]
    My friend Benny is sick with Herpes, the doctors had no idea what cause the disease, but we all know, that the true cause of the ailment, is that Benny does not worship Satan with all his heart, although he tries to show to the world he is. This makes him one of the biggest posers on earth, and that's why he gonna die from HerpesThe lyrics are in ancient Norwegian, so only the really true ones will be able to understand.
  • Maveth Dom Satan [mp3,198k]
    This song is the first Ocheleth Poth song, and with this song the band began it's career.The lyrics are the concept of the word True, therefore if you are True, you'll have no need for written lyrics, because you can understand them yourself. If you are not, you are a gay poser, and do not deserve to understand the lyrics.
  • Oda Le Hanan [mp3,814k]
    This song was written on the day of Sathanas's final exam at math. Because of some unwanted poser interferance the recordings that day went really bad, and weren't complete untill the exam itself. Therefore it's uploaded too late- after the exam is over.It's an Oda to Sathanas's legendary teacher, who is known as a good worker of Satan, and rumors say he is the son of Satan.
  • Аццкая Трипонацыя [mp3,666k]
    We cought some Poser on the fields of Ancient Jerusalem, trying to pray to Jesus. The songs explains in Ancient Slavanian what exactly we did to him.Note: The file takes 666 kilobytes, so it's extra True.
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