The tale of "Nature's Elements" begins on a dark night, summer, 2001, when Ipos ( current vocalist ) joined the band. Ipos has just returned from Greece where he was living for a year, and made his solo record. Experience was on his side indeed, a true musician who has played every instrument, a man with a great talent.
We met him on this faithful night on a party in a forest and since that night our band has obtained new energy, dark energy, the energy of Black Metal !
Ipos had some ready material and we intensively rehearsed it and on the same week we have already played our first song "Alfheim" perfectly. Our second and third songs were soon to come, but we didn't know at that time about the troubles that are stalking around the corner.
After writing and playing our third composition "Werewolf" we felt ready for a recording session and even preforming on stage. We were shocked by the power our music held! We had to spread it out !
We recorded couple of sessions and gave an underground show with some other Black and Death bands, at that time we were preforming as "Tainsto Glubin", a name that didn't last long.
It was then, when we started to feel that something is wrong with our vocalist Ipos, troubles weren't far away.
We changed our name to "Nature's Elements" and things went worse, maybe because we were too confident in ourselves or maybe because we were tired of the very intensive work but the fact is that the forth and the fifth song didn't come as easy as the previous three. At our darkest hour the most severe problem hit us, Ipos went crazy.
We were supposed to play in a metal festival but of course we couldn't, and then came our big break, we were supposed to support a famous Israeli Black Metal band, but a week before the show Ipos was hospitalized in a mental health hospital. We missed that show too and more troubles were soon to come.
The other four members of the band Phenex (Drummer), Vual (Solo guitarist), Sitri (Lead guitarist), and Botis (Bass guitarist) continued playing without the vocalist and rehearsing the forth composition, but it wasn"t the same with out Ipos and problems kept coming.
Sitri (Lead guitarist) finished his college studies, and was taken to the army and Phenex went to Russia, our motherland, for two months.
Nature's Elements remained only a name, and a delightful memory...
However, after a couple of months, Sitri was moved to a base close enough to start playing again and Phenex has returned from Russia. We were free to come together again and revive Nature's Elements. We have worked many days and nights but still Nature"s Elements was not at its top and Ipos was still in the asylum.
Ipos couldn"t stay in the mental health hospital for he knew about the problems of the band and knew that the band was in great need of his energy again so he decided to escape. After many tries he has managed to escape and we were together again. We have written with him our fifth composition "Odin" and started rehearsing together with his mighty vocals.
After some time we were close to the skill we had before the breakdown and it seemed as the clouds were gone and the gods were shining on us again. We decided to do another recording session, a short time after the recordings Ipos returned to the asylum, and the other band members rehearsed very actively our new and old material.
After some time Ipos was totally cured and he returned to the band again. At present we are all together and writing new compositions and actively rehearsing all of our material and waiting for our next big chance, this time we are not going to miss it !