Written by Eric Woolfson and Alan Parsons Don't let the moment pass Without a reason or rhyme The sweet bouquet of the wine Will vanish in the air The innocence of the rose She leaves wherever she goes For all the world to share Some days when clouds are drifting by I open my eyes and watch them go And wonder where they fly Some nights Orion runs too fast I look to the stars as if to say Don't let the moment pass But soon a golden age is past Just when it seemed that miracles Where not too much to ask And though the world may turn too fast If it should seem like paradise Don't let the moment pass
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Riobainean riomhach, Nighean an Fhidleir C?ta dimitidh, beatagan caileago Riobainean riomhach, Nighean an Fhidhleir C?ta siod air Mairi. Br?gan ?rda, Cle?ca, sg?rlaid C?ta dimitidh, beatagan caileago Brogan ?rda, Cle?ca sg?rlaid Riobainean riomhach Mairi. Gorgeous Ribbons Gorgeous ribbons, daughter of the fiddler Skirt of dimity, petticoats of calico Gorgeous ribbons, daughter of the fiddler Silk skirt on Mary. High-heeled shoes, Scarlet cloak Skirt of dimity, petticoats of calico High-heeled shoes, Scarlet cloak Gorgeous ribbons, Mary. O Mhairi "s tu mo Mhairi I oireann ? ra u I oireann ? dhi? a Hi ?ireann ? ra u O Mh?iri "s tu mo Mh?iri "S truagh nach robh sinn air an ?irigh Le spr?idh de chrodh bainne Togail ?l de laoigh ghasda Togail ?l de laoigh bhoireann Deanamh ime agus ch?is ann Chunna mi tighinn na f?idh "S iad a" tighinn as am b?irean "S truagh nach robh mi air an c?laibh Le m" ghunna "s le m" adhairc fh?dair O Mary, you are my Mary Would that we were in the shieling With a herd of milk cows Raising a herd of fine calves A herd of female calves Making butter and cheese there I saw the deer coming Bellowing as they came I wish I was behind them With my gun and my powder horn
Прощание с замком. Луноцветы пылают вдоль решетчатых стен, Свет свечей затерялся в колоннах, Дряхлый сад завернулся в вечернюю тень, И темно на тропах потаенных. В этом диком, заросшем английском саду Лишь журчанье забытых фонтанов Оживляет притихшую вязов кайму По бокам сонно-желтой поляны. А над садом навис неприступной горой Серый замок в тумане молочном... Что ж, прощай, Виттингтон, я расстанусь с тобой Этой тёплой июльской ночью.
Walking all the day Near tall towers where falcons build their nests Silver-winged they fly They know the call of freedom in their breasts Saw Black Head against the sky Where twisted rocks they run to the sea Living on your western shore Saw summer sunsets, asked for more I stood by your Atlantic Sea And sang a song for Ireland Talking all the day With true friends who try to make you stay Telling jokes and news Singing songs to pass the time away Watched the Galway salmon run Like silver dancing, darting in the sun Dreaming in the night I saw a land where no one had to fight Waking in your dawn I saw you crying in the morning light Sleeping where the falcons fly They twist and turn all in your air-blue sky
instrumental instrumental instrumental instrumental instrumental instrumental instrumental instrumental instrumental
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