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  • Комментарии: 1, последний от 04/06/2009.
  • © Copyright Марулина Екатерина Владимировна (smilling_k@mail.ru)
  • Обновлено: 22/03/2025. 0k. Статистика.
  • Жанр: Поп
  • Автор музыки: Марулина Екатерина Владимировна
  • Исполняет: Kati


    * * *

    Aprir Misht Parz

  • Исполняет: kati
  • Размещена: 10/03/2005, ред. 03/05/2007
  • Жанр: Поп
  • Aprir Misht Parz (armenian)

    * * *

    From this moment

    Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Марулина Екатерина Владимировна
  • Автор текста: Twain
  • Исполняет: kati
  • Аранжировка: Twain
  • Прослушать:[mp3,4392k]
  • Размещена: 03/05/2007
  • Жанр: Поп
  • From this moment on you for me dear 
    Only two for tea dear from this moment on 
    From this happy day no more blue songs 
    Only hoopty-do songs from this moment on 
    For you got the love I need so much 
    Got the skin that I love to touch 
    Got the arms to hold me tight 
    Got the sweet lips to kiss me good night 
    Oh oh, from this moment on, you and I babe 
    We'll be riding high babe 
    Every care is gone 
    From this moment on 
    For you got the love I need so much 
    Got the skin that I love to touch 
    Got the arms to hold me tight 
    Got the sweet lips to kiss me good night 
    Oh oh, from this moment on, you and I babe 
    We'll be riding high babe 
    Every care is gone 
    From this moment on

    * * *

    I ain't missing you

    Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Марулина Екатерина Владимировна
  • Автор текста: tina turner
  • Исполняет: kati
  • Прослушать:[mp3,4541k]
  • Размещена: 16/04/2005, ред. 03/05/2007
  • Жанр: Поп
  • Everytime I think of you, I always catch my breath
    And I'm still standing here, and you're miles away
    and I'm wondering why you left
    And there's a storm that's raging 
    through my frozen heart tonight
    I hear your name in certain circles
    And it always makes me smile
    I spend my time thinking about you
    and it's almost driving me wild
    And there's a heart that's breaking
    down this long distance line tonight
    I ain't missing you at all (missing you)
    since you've been gone away (missing you),
    I ain't missing you (missing you)
    No matter what I might say (missing you)
    There's a message in the wire 
    and I'm sending the signal tonight
    You don't know how desperate I've become
    and it looks like I'm losing this fight
    In your world I have no meaning
    though I'm trying hard to understand
    and it's my heart that's breaking
    down this long distance line tonight
    I ain't missing you at all (missing you)
    since you've been gone away (missing you),
    I ain't missing you (missing you)
    No matter what my friends say (missing you)
    there's a message that I'm sending out
    via telegraph to your soul
    and if I can't breach this distance
    stop this heartbreak overload
    I ain't missing you at all ...ow...(missing you)
    since you've been gone away (missing you),
    I ain't missing you (missing you)
    No matter what my friends say (missing you)
    I ain't missing you

    * * *

    Je T'Aime

    Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Марулина Екатерина Владимировна
  • Автор текста: Fabian
  • Исполняет: kati
  • Аранжировка: Fabian
  • Прослушать:[mp3,5016k]
  • Размещена: 03/05/2007
  • Жанр: Поп
  • D'accord, il existait
    D'autres faзons de se quitter
    Quelques йclats de verre
    Auraient peut-кtre pu nous aider
    Dans ce silence amer
    J'ai dйcidй de pardonner
    Les erreurs qu'on peut faire
    А trop s'aimer
    D'accord souvent la petite fille
    En moi souvent te rйclamait
    Presque comme une mиre
    Tu me bordais, me protйgeais
    Je t'ai volй ce sang
    Qu'on aurait pas dы partager
    А bout de mots, de rкves
    Je vais crier
    Je t'aime, Je t'aime
    Comme un fou, comme un soldat
    Comme une star de cinйma
    Je t'aime, je t'aime
    Comme un loup, comme un roi
    Comme un homme que je ne suis pas
    Tu vois, je t'aime comme зa
    D'accord, je t'ai confiй
    Tous mes sourires, tous mes secrets
    Mкme ceux, dont seul un frиre
    Est le gardien inavouй
    Dans cette maison de pierre
    Satan nous regardait danser
    J'ai tant voulu la guerre
    De corps qui se faisaient la paix
    Je t'aime, Je t'aime
    Comme un fou comme un soldat
    Comme une star de cinйma
    Je t'aime, je t'aime, je t'aime, je t'aime, je t'aime, je t'aime
    Comme un loup, comme un roi
    Comme un homme que je ne suis pas
    Tu vois, je t'aime comme зa
    Tu vois, je t'aime comme зa

    * * *


    Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Noname
  • Автор текста: Noname
  • Исполняет: Kati
  • Прослушать:[mp3,4769k]
  • Размещена: 22/03/2025
  • Жанр: Джаз
  • lovelylovely

    * * *

    Nothing Compares To You

    Ваша оценка:
  • Исполняет: kati
  • Прослушать:[mp3,4470k]
  • Размещена: 03/05/2007
  • Жанр: Поп
  • It's been seven hours and fifteen days 
      Since you took your love away
      I go out every night and sleep all day
      Since you took your love away
      Since you been gone I can do whatever I want
      I can see whom-ever I choose
      I can eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant
      But nothing - I said nothing can take away these blues
      Cause nothing compares - Nothing compares to you
      It's been so lonely without you here
      Like a bird without a song
      Nothing can stop these lonely tears from falling
      Tell me baby where did I go wrong
      I could put my arms around every boy I see
      But they'd only remind me of you
      I went to the doctor n'guess what he told me
      Guess what he told me
      He said girl you better try to have fun
      No matter what you do - But he's a fool
      Cause nothing compares, Nothing compares to you
      All the flowers that you planted, Baba
      In the back yard
      All died when you went away
      I know that living with you baby was sometimes hard
      But I'm willing to give it another try
      Nothing compares, Nothing compares to you
      Nothing compares, Nothing compares to you
      Nothing compares, Nothing compares to you 
  • Комментарии: 1, последний от 04/06/2009.
  • © Copyright Марулина Екатерина Владимировна (smilling_k@mail.ru)
  • Обновлено: 22/03/2025. 0k. Статистика.
  • Поп

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