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Salvation (single)

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  • Комментарии: 7, последний от 14/09/2005.
  • © Copyright Березин Валентин (diapason@rambler.ru)
  • Обновлено: 22/05/2003. 0k. Статистика.
  • Жанр: Металл
  • Автор музыки: Березин Валентин
  • Исполняет: diapason
  • Год написания: 2003


    * * *

    Day for the war

    Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Березин Валентин
  • Автор текста: Березин Валентин
  • Исполняет: diapason
  • Прослушать:[mp3,4786k]
  • Размещена: 11/06/2003, ред. 31/03/2004
  • Жанр: Металл
  • Wake me, wake me up and deliver
    Cut off my wings
    And break my shell and make fun
    Over my body
    If you want the? war so much
    I declare it for you
    And I surrender...
         I feel better dead... again
         Plastic packed? be my grave
         Point frommy eyes
         Print of illusions
              By you my invisible friends -
              They are - killed(!)
              By you my invisible friends -
              They are - killed(!)
    Beat me, mock on me - I surrender
    You waited fighting - in vain
    World that have i see
    By my eyes ill
    World that i have touch
    By my infirm hands Betrayed me
    In vain i called: "Mother, come..."
    It seems to me, that you all
    Wanna frighten me
    Wake me, wake me up and deliver
    Cut off my wings
    And break my shell
              By you my invisible friends -
              They are - killed, No!

    * * *

    Hunt to the witches

    Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Березин Валентин/тучин Никита
  • Автор текста: Березин Валентин
  • Исполняет: diapason
  • Прослушать:[mp3,5043k]
  • Размещена: 11/06/2003, ред. 31/03/2004
  • Жанр: Металл
  •   All lanters on the street are broken
      All names forgotten
      Tourches tear the dark
      Hammer in your hand -
      Hear... it's breaking of the door - somewhere
      It's time to??? burning down
      Entrances and exits - closed
      They will save tahat city?es?
      Found witches
       All your city?es be submerged?
       By rainwater
       Name of it will be ashes in the wind
       Fire will burn it down all, yeah
       In the city of sin - Hunt on witches?
      Fear burning down in flame of fire
      Fear burn again, again in your eyes
      Step, one step... see - now you trapped
      All fingers in your side, your body - ashes
      One move fire
      In yor mind you hear the words of curse
      Sunrise... morning people meets the
      Rain and deluge...
      Slowbit: Now listen the story: in one ancient city one day was found strange? manuscript
      with the words on it: "You all are doomed. Soon fire down all, next morning city will be submerged by rainwater. Found witches. Deliver yourself(selves) from the curse...". Next night people found them, thinking that each man can be one of them. There were fires, many voices: "Here it, Here it!" Morning... City meets the last rain...

    * * *


    Оценка: 7.43*8 Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Березин Валентин
  • Автор текста: Березин Валентин
  • Исполняет: diapason
  • Прослушать:[mp3,4608k]
  • Размещена: 31/03/2004
  • Жанр: Металл
  • If you come to me with a face 
    Of  aneasy stranger
    You can give me pain and go
    Out of my dreams
    And i will be alone...
    If you lie to me look in my face
    Of a sinner
    -Do you know about me?
    Only black in legacy!
    If your words are true
    You make me fool for crowds
    I  only go away
    Do you know another reason to stay?
         There is no salvation
         I Don't belive in power
         Of the crowds, Of the rules
         Which you make up to me
    Like  quicksand in my hand
    My time elapsing
    So i am going to the black
    And so triumphant your laughter
    Faces in the dark I'm looking
    In the mirror
    I have reason to hate you
    I have reason to hate myself
    I Don't  go away - i"m breaking,
    Breaking mirrors
    Madness come to the place, I stay
    Let me be alone and go away
         I hate the mirrorfools
         I turn your sun on myself
         There is no salvation
         I Don't belive in power
         Of the crowds, Of the rules
         Which you make up to me
  • Комментарии: 7, последний от 14/09/2005.
  • © Copyright Березин Валентин (diapason@rambler.ru)
  • Обновлено: 22/05/2003. 0k. Статистика.
  • Металл

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