Danaya: другие произведения.


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  • Комментарии: 1, последний от 16/08/2008.
  • © Copyright Danaya (danaya-deluna@ya.ru)
  • Обновлено: 23/01/2008. 0k. Статистика.
  • Автор музыки: Danaya
  • Исполняет: Danaya


    * * *

    Don't play with me

    Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Danaya
  • Автор текста: Danaya
  • Исполняет: Danaya
  • Аранжировка: Danaya
  • Прослушать:[mp3,3617k]
  • Размещена: 23/01/2008, ред. 30/01/2008
  • Жанр: Латинская
  • Don't play.
    Love is a game,  you are the player.But I don't want to play. 
    I don't want to be your toy. That is all, I want to say. 
    But you want to seduce me,you want to seduce me and you deceive.
    Oh,You play with fire.It `s a dangerous game. Believe.
    Just, don't play with my heart.Believe me, it `s a dangerous game. 
    You think, you are a hard nut, but I can crack it, Oh, I can! 
    Believe me, it `s a dangerous game.My heart is not your toy.
    My heart is sore.Oh, you play with fire.Don't set fire to my soul,
    Don't set fire to my heart, to my soul.
    Come to me, and, if you love me, we can be together.
    If you don`t love me, say goodbye and, leave me please for ever..
    But you try to deceive me. Oh, babe, tell me, why do you deceive?
    You just play with fire! It`s a dangerous game, believe!

    * * *

    The river of hope+

    Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Danaya
  • Автор текста: Danaya
  • Исполняет: Danaya
  • Аранжировка: Danaya
  • Прослушать:[mp3,3338k]
  • Размещена: 08/02/2008
  • Жанр: Рок
       The river of hope.
      Believe,it's true, there is the river of hope and, some people find this river.I know .Believe me, your fate is in your hands.You can go to this river.Go! Hold a way to the river of hope!You can go to the river of hope.Hold a way to the river of hope, to your river.
      And may be, somebody may tell you: it's not true.Don't listen and move on.And say, that you have met me, I am the, one who, has been to the river of hope. I came to the river of hope, to my river...
      And someone told me: it is not true.But I did not believe and I moved on, too.And I arrived,and I arrived,arrived to this river and my dreams have come true.
      Hold a way, hold a way to your river of hope.And your dreams will come ,your dreams will come, your dreams will come true and you will be happy too.
      believe me it's true.

    * * *

    Why I want you?

    Ваша оценка:
  • Автор музыки: Kseniya
  • Автор текста: Kseniya
  • Исполняет: Kseniya
  • Аранжировка: Kseniya
  • Прослушать:[mp3,4180k]
  • Размещена: 08/02/2008
  • Жанр: Легкая
      Just and true it is : we are clever animals. We have got our instincts, but we long for our dreams.
      And my moves are so strange, that I can't explain my moves. May be the reason is love. Or may be it's not true!
      Why I want you? Why I want you?Oh, may be , may be,just I lose my reason.But I can't go on without you.
      And I don't know, why I so want you, babe?Babe,just, I lose my reason, but I can't go on without you.
      Many clever things! Many wonders everywhere! And I try to think! I have got the brains for that!
      Yet my moves are absurd! And I am looking like a fool!May be the reason is love. or may be, it's not true!
      Just and true it is: we are clever animals.We have got instincts, but we long for our dreams!
      Our moves are absurd, and we can't explain some moves!May be the reason is love !Or, may be it's not true.
  • Комментарии: 1, последний от 16/08/2008.
  • © Copyright Danaya (danaya-deluna@ya.ru)
  • Обновлено: 23/01/2008. 0k. Статистика.

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